Friday, July 2, 2010


In my last post I said would post an example review. My plans changed at the very last minute and I was computer-less. Then the next morning I had to leave for camp and I had no computer access there either. So I am sorry that I didn't post sooner. Below is an example of what one of my reviews will look like.

Directors, Producer, Various Important People
Review For Moms
Overall Score

That is just a brief outline of a review. So now I sit here on my basement couch watching what I assume to turn out to be another bad 1970's horror movie. The movie is It's Alive. It is about a demonic baby that goes around killing people. The summary just sounded bad, but it sounded so bad that it would be funny. Not to change the subject again, but I am working on the blog's layout. I plan to add a poll, a list of links, and whatever else seems fit. Any ideas? I am going to get back to my bad horror movie now. I'll post a review sometime today. I'm not sure which movie I'll review, but I will put it up as soon as possible!

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