Saturday, June 26, 2010

That Necessary Post That Everyone Expects When You Start a Blog

Well I love movies. That's basically it in a nutshell. I'll watch any movie even if critics whacked it over the head with a bat. I wanted a place to give my views on movies and what's going on in the film world. I am 15 for starters, but I am not going to be giving a 15 year old's point of view on things. I could care less about Justin Bieber or what some 'Disney Channel nobody' did. I want to give mature reviews and opinions on movies. I am going to be posting reviews on movies from years ago up til today. You can find a million blogs about the latest movies, but there is only a few blogs that will give you reviews on older movies. Thanks to the wonder known as Netflix, practically any movie is accessible to me. I have a Wii which is hooked up to Netflix so I can watch certain movies instantly. I am still in high school so you will have to bear with me. I still have homework, tests, and taking AP (advanced placement) and honors classes doesn't help my workload. But since it's summer right now, I will have plenty of time to be blogging. I am leaving for a couple of days from tomorrow till Thursday without computer access. If I get a chance, I'll try to post a couple of reviews tonight. I doubt that anyone will read this post but if someone does I am glad to take requests for reviews! I'll post a sample review tonight. I will cover everything from plot, to actors, to content (sex, drugs, language, etc.) and more. I hope someone out there reads this! If you do, e-mail my URL to your friends and family. At least I'll know I am not alone here on Blogger. Til the next post, Bye!

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