Monday, July 5, 2010

Review: 12 Angry Men (1957)

12 Angry Men (1957)
Henry Fonda, E.G. Marshall, Lee J. Cobb
Directed by Sidney Lumet
Written by Reginald Rose
Produced by Henry Fonda, Reginald Rose
Rated Approved (G, PG, PG-13, R, and NC-17 were not in place during this era.)

A young boy is standing trial for the murder of his father and if he is found guilty he being sentenced to death via electric chair. Now it is up to the 12 jurors to decide his fate. When the evidence is presented, all of the jurors are convinced he is guilty except for Juror #8 (Fonda). The jurors detangle details and evidence and bicker about everything that is presented before them, only to discover that their personal lives and their emotions interfere with the truth.

I am not big on old movies because all of them feel the same to me. After I watched 12 Angry Men, my prospective completely changed. Henry Fonda's performance was stunning and was Joseph Sweeney. This movie takes details and twists them in ways that you would never think of. This movie reminded me very much Alfred Hitchcocks's Rear Window. The mystery that went along with and that all the shots originate from one location; in this case the juror's room and in Rear Window, the apartment. There is never a dry moment in this movie. Fonda keeps this movie moving along while still being very entertaining. Definitely a must see.

Parent's Guide:
This movie really has no usable rating for this day and age, but would probably would rated PG today. A knife is scene and is used to recreate the murder. Murder is discussed throughout the entire film. A fight almost breaks out. Men are scene smoking a few times. Very little swearing. D*** is said once or twice.

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