Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Twitter and Big News!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I haven't had the opportunity to watch any movies lately, let  alone post anything. I just watched About Schmidt last night so I hope to post a review on that soon. I have a Twitter now!  I am trying to publicize my blog (which I am pretty sure no one has read). I will post my twitter link below! So I will try to post ASAP.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Review: Planet of the Apes (1968)

Planet of the Apes (1968)
Charlton Heston, Roddy McDowall, Kim Hunter
Directed by Franklin J. Schaffner
Written by Michael Wilson and Rod Serling
Based on the novel by Pierre Boulle
Produced by Arthur P. Jacobs
Rated PG

Four astronauts crash land on to an unknown planet about 2,000 years in the future. After wandering the planet looking for life they discover a civilization of incredibly advanced apes. They are captured by the apes during a hunt and are separated. Taylor (Heston) is placed into the hands of scientist, Dr. Zira (Hunter) and her fiancĂ©, Cornelius (McDowall) who study feral humans. During the hunt, Taylor loses his voice and cannot talk. Now it's up to him to find a way to communicate with the scientists, find his fellow astronauts, and regain his freedom.

Review: I first saw the movie when I was 7 and vaguely remembered it, so I decided to watch it again.  The movie was originally a book written by French novelist, Pierre Boulle. Details on the book can be found at the link at the bottom of this post. Watching this movie I discovered a couple of loopholes, i.e. How do the apes know how to speak English if this is a totally different planet? How do apes and humans exist together on a different planet that isn't Earth? Those are just a few questions that came to mind. With movies, especially sci-fi flicks, you just have to go with the movie. If they don't get in the away of the entire movie (in this case they don't) just keep watching. The make up is incredibly no matter what year this was made. It is said that the make up cost one million dollars, but in behind the scenes interviews with the crew they said it cost only half a million. The make up is flawless. Much better than any CGI job that could have been done today. Sorry Avatar. What makes this movie so incredibly is that it isn't just 9 or 10 apes with make up, it's easily 75 people portraying apes with make up. The first half hour of the movie can be a little dull for some since all they are doing is walking around a desert setting looking for signs of life. At times it seems almost hopeless. Otherwise, the acting is superb! Heston goes above and beyond; you really feel like you are there with him. I felt a connection with Hunter's character. You can truly feel her emotion radiating off of her. Two thumbs up and four stars!

Parent's Guide:
A dead, skeletal like, woman is seen. This might frighten young children. Three men are seen skinny dipping and you can see their bare butts. Taylor is seen naked in court. Basically equal to the skinny dipping scene. Some smoking. What could be defined as racism. There is a scene where gorillas are hunting humans. Gun shots are seen and heard. People are collected in nets in moderately violent fashion. Some mild swearing. Best for ages 8 and up.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Review: 12 Angry Men (1957)

12 Angry Men (1957)
Henry Fonda, E.G. Marshall, Lee J. Cobb
Directed by Sidney Lumet
Written by Reginald Rose
Produced by Henry Fonda, Reginald Rose
Rated Approved (G, PG, PG-13, R, and NC-17 were not in place during this era.)

A young boy is standing trial for the murder of his father and if he is found guilty he being sentenced to death via electric chair. Now it is up to the 12 jurors to decide his fate. When the evidence is presented, all of the jurors are convinced he is guilty except for Juror #8 (Fonda). The jurors detangle details and evidence and bicker about everything that is presented before them, only to discover that their personal lives and their emotions interfere with the truth.

I am not big on old movies because all of them feel the same to me. After I watched 12 Angry Men, my prospective completely changed. Henry Fonda's performance was stunning and was Joseph Sweeney. This movie takes details and twists them in ways that you would never think of. This movie reminded me very much Alfred Hitchcocks's Rear Window. The mystery that went along with and that all the shots originate from one location; in this case the juror's room and in Rear Window, the apartment. There is never a dry moment in this movie. Fonda keeps this movie moving along while still being very entertaining. Definitely a must see.

Parent's Guide:
This movie really has no usable rating for this day and age, but would probably would rated PG today. A knife is scene and is used to recreate the murder. Murder is discussed throughout the entire film. A fight almost breaks out. Men are scene smoking a few times. Very little swearing. D*** is said once or twice.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Review: The Bucket List

This is my first official review. I chose a more recent movie that some people have seen while others haven't, but yet most people have heard of it.

The Bucket List (2007)
Jack Nicholson, Morgan Freeman
Directed by Rob Reiner
Written by Justin Zackham
Produced by Rob Reiner, Alan Greisman, Neil Meron, and Craig Zadan
Rated PG-13
Edward Cole (Nicholson) is a man stuck in his habits and is self centered. When he is diagnosed with cancer, he sent to one of his hospitals. When he arrives he surprised to find that he has to share a room with Carter Chambers (Freeman). Carter Chambers is the classic all around family man who has worked his way through life, while Edward has grown accustom to his wealth and it's advantages. Edward tries to shut out Carter's happy go-lucky attitude but in the end fails when Carter begins to write a bucket list. The list a series of things to do before he 'kicked the bucket.' Edward works his way into the list and convinces Carter to join him on their quest. Except Carter's wife only sees Edward as a bitter old man but he goes anyway against his wife's wishes. Their relationship grows as they race cars, get a tattoo, visit the Pyramids, and various other activities. Together they both learn valuable life lessons.

This another one of those feel good films produce laughs and tears. A great performance by both actors. If you are a Nicholson fan this is a must see. He plays a character that shows emotion that feel truly genuine. Many of his personalities could be compared to his character, Warren Schmidt in About Schmidt.  This movie predictable just from the plot line. If you are a film junkie you might be to predict the twists that writer, Justin Zackham throws at you but otherwise the biggest twist will surprise you. Morgan Freeman's son, Alfonso Freeman plays his on screen son and has also worked with his father in The Shawshank Redemption and Se7en. Definitely worth a rental.

Parent's Guide:
Sex is implied but never shown. You can see a woman's breasts and stomach through a revealing dress. A man coughs into a napkin and blood is seen. You see a bloody shirt. Brain surgery is preformed but no blood or gore is seen. A man vomits into a toilet but no vomit is seen. At least 20 swears in the beginning, after that swearing isn't has heavy.Swears include F***, b****, son if a b****, a**, and a**hole. There is also one middle finger gesture. A man is seen smoking. SPOILER ALERT! Carter is seen convulsing on the floor.


In my last post I said would post an example review. My plans changed at the very last minute and I was computer-less. Then the next morning I had to leave for camp and I had no computer access there either. So I am sorry that I didn't post sooner. Below is an example of what one of my reviews will look like.

Directors, Producer, Various Important People
Review For Moms
Overall Score

That is just a brief outline of a review. So now I sit here on my basement couch watching what I assume to turn out to be another bad 1970's horror movie. The movie is It's Alive. It is about a demonic baby that goes around killing people. The summary just sounded bad, but it sounded so bad that it would be funny. Not to change the subject again, but I am working on the blog's layout. I plan to add a poll, a list of links, and whatever else seems fit. Any ideas? I am going to get back to my bad horror movie now. I'll post a review sometime today. I'm not sure which movie I'll review, but I will put it up as soon as possible!